MAPILab Rules for Exchange


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MAPILab Rules for Exchange is a program for creating and managing Microsoft Exchange Server and Small Business Server 2000/2003 server rules for processing incoming messages. The product provides much more flexibility and functionality than server rules created in Microsoft Outlook, supports any types of messages and uses a completely different technology in its work.

At present, the functional features our product provides you with can be achieved only through ordering custom scripts for Microsoft Exchange Server. But along with its functional features, MAPILab Rules for Exchange has a number of serious advantages:

Easy-to-use. It is as easy to use the program as the Rules Wizard in Microsoft Outlook. The regular interface of the Rules Wizard allows any competent user to create and manage rules!
No more scripts! Forget about scripts, debugging and testing! Now any rule can be created with a few mouse clicks. Nevertheless, moving over to MAPILab Rules for Exchange does not require you to refuse the scripts you already have.
Seamless integration. Server rules are applied prior to server rules created in Microsoft Outlook and yet prior to rules applied on the client side. A special manager of server message filters will provide seamless integration even in most complex systems that have some additional server software installed, such as antivirus software, antispam software, content filters, etc.
High ROI. Our product covers your expenses on it within one day: the system administrator no longer has to spend his time searching for scripts, adjusting debugging and deploying them. And at the same time, you get a considerable reduction in expenses on maintaining a deployed solution!

Technical details

All messages coming to the storage are processed by the COM+ application “MAPILab Rules for Exchange”. All stages of processing are shown in the following picture.

Incomming messages

The COM+ application “MAPILab Rules for Exchange” contains a single component that is a synchronous Exchange store event sink. This event sink applies rules to incoming messages before they are in the storage. Thus, server and client Outlook rules are applied after MAPILab Rules for Exchange. The order of processing relative to other possible event sinks is configured through setting priority values in the administrative console.

By default, the event sink is registered on all found local storages. Later on, you can manage the registration settings using the administrative console on the corresponding properties tab.


MAPILab Rules for Exchange is administrated with the help of a snap-in application integrated into the Tools branch of Exchange System Manager.

MAPILab Rules for Exchange displays rules in the form of a list where you can change their order. While processing messages, rules are applied one after another from top to bottom.

Rules consist of:

  • One of the four Primary Conditions that determine the set of Secondary Conditions and Actions coming afterwards:
    • Message goes anywhere
    • Message goes to any mailbox
    • Message goes to the specified public folders tree
    • Message goes to the specified recipient
  • Several Secondary Conditions, for example:
    • The subject line contains specific words
    • Assigned to the specified message class
    • Etc.
  • One or several Actions, for example:
    • Move the message to the specified mailbox folder
    • Assign it to the specified message class
    • Etc.

Here are some sample descriptions of rules that can be created with MAPILab Rules for Exchange:

Apply this rule when message goes to any mailbox
Message header contains X-Spam-Flag: Yes
Move it to the Spam subfolder of the recipient’s mailbox
Apply this rule when message goes anywhere
The sender’s address contains
Mark it as a high importance
Apply this rule when message goes to Public Folders public folders tree
Recipient’s address contains
And assigned to IPM.Post message class
Assign it to the IPM.Note message class

If you want to suggest new Conditions and Actions that should be added to the program, you can do it using the corresponding form on the right.


The installation of MAPILab Rules for Exchange is fully automatic and does not require any particular manual operations by the system administrator. However, it should be mentioned that the following actions take place during the installation:

  • The Active Directory schema is modified (attributes and classes that will store the MRE configuration are added).
  • A special account is created, its credentials will be used to run the COM+ application.
  • The COM+ applications itself is created and configured.
  • A container for storing program settings is created in the Active Directory.
  • The Exchange store event sink is registered on local stores.

Thus, MAPILab Rules for Exchange is fully ready to work right after the first rules are configured.

System requirements

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 or Microsoft Small Business Server 2000/2003;
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 with SP2 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003;
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 ol later;
  • Administrator and Schema Admins rights to install;
  • Administrator privileges to configure.

(1942 KBytes)

You can order the fully licensed version  over the Internet with any major credit card, bank-transfer or wire Paypal.

SBS license €296
Exchange Standard license €593
Exchange Enterprise license €831
Site  licens €2973

All prices inculde 19% german Tax.
* Site License is a special offer for the users of a single location (within the bounds of a single building complex) and limited up to 15 servers on which product will be installed.

Additional information


Site license, Exchange Enterprise license, Exchange Standard license, SBS license